Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 1000 mi
Update time = Sat, 01-Jun-2024 18:13:58 EDT

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
2 km ENE of Madison, Ohio 2.6 000294183 mi 1717236705Sat, 01-Jun-2024 06:11:45 EDT map
7 km NNE of Blytheville, Arkansas 2.7 001284798 mi 1717039497Wed, 29-May-2024 23:24:57 EDT map
23 km WSW of Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, Canada 2.3 000402250 mi 1716864107Mon, 27-May-2024 22:41:47 EDT map
5 km SE of Imboden, Arkansas 2.2 001350839 mi 1716745465Sun, 26-May-2024 13:44:25 EDT map
4 km N of Midway, Arkansas 2.1 001419882 mi 1716697921Sun, 26-May-2024 00:32:01 EDT map

5 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.

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